Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Chicks 2012

The chicks are off to a rough start. We had several eggs in our incubator, ready to hatch, when the weather turned bad. The snow was so wet and heavy the power companies worked around the clock to keep or restore electricity. We ended up being without power longer that we would have liked, the eggs got a little cold, but the good news is, they are starting to hatch. Nothing like baby chicks before Easter.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Record snow

We have never had this much snow, this late in the year. We have been shocked at the amount of snow collecting around the farm. Keep your fingers crossed the orchard makes it through this cold snap. The peaches want to bloom and the apricots are flowering. If you were a bee, wouldn't you be confused?

Saturday, March 17, 2012


We have been having crazy weather, which is what we expect in March. One minute we are mowing the orchard and the next minute we are making a dash to get under cover before the rain and wind gets us. It is so hard to wait for the soil to dry out and warm up, we have seeds and we are farmers. Planting is the first step!

"Fill Your Pantry 2011"

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Bill Stormont came last summer and took the most amazing pictures in our farming community of the wheat harvest. He was so knid and talented we asked him to take some pictures of our farm too. You will see is wonderful work on our website www.horsecreekfarmsoregon.com throughout 2012.

We sell 10 beef a year and they love to hang out around the irrigation pond, under the oak trees in the summer. They eat grass and left over vegetables from the fruit stand and do really well. The meat has a great flavor and is very lean. We have many different cuts and the price will reflect the quality and flavor of our local area.